To make the loom, you will need:
- Cardboard (sturdy, so it won't bend from the tension of the strings)
- Scissors
- Marker
- Circular Object that can fit the area of your cardboard(optional)
- If you have a large piece of cardboard, cut it down to a manageable size. The article I read suggested a 4 by 4 square, but personally, I cut it down to a size, small enough to be put in my bag, but big enough not be squished(10X8).
- Draw a circle on your cardboard (you could use your circular object, but it's not essential) I used an old DVD.
- Using the tip of your scissors, punch a hole in the middle of the cardboard circle. You will slip the bracelet through this hole.
- Using your marker, make eight evenly spaced marks around the circumference of the circle, and number one through eight.
- Use your scissors to cut slits for each of these marks.
WOOOHHHLAAHHH! You have your friendship bracelet loom!
How to make friendship bracelets using the loom:
How to make friendship bracelets using the loom:
ChavaylaB :)
Different pieces of jewelry are often interpreted to signify varying sentiments on friendship bracelets.